Saturday, February 25, 2012


Posted by Pablo Sierra (Alumnus) |
i know this isn’t proper scientific protocol but…
i’ve been scoping you out on the slide for a while and well…
i was wondering if I could doublehelix around your organic structure sometime
you make want to replicate
because that thy—-mine be looking fine to my adenine,
and honestly the sight of your cytosine has my guanine trippin
please excuse the crude reference to your deoxyribonucleic acidic composition
it’s just that your chemistry is vocabulary limiting, babble speech eliciting,
you’ve got me like
i’m saying, if you’d like
we could go back to my petrie dish and turn on that metaphorical heat lamp
i’d be glad to destrand your double DNA structures
and snap off those hydrogen bonds
cuz i’m trying to be your one and only exon with that son sabroson son son in your life!
baby, i’m saying, on a fourteen point ph scale you’d be nothing more and nothing less than a 7!
far from being average
i mean to say you’re perfectly balanced
yes you in fact are the most basic neutral solution
and i can only offer you a love that won’t get diluted
i’ll be at my highest concentration to make our reactions fruitful
and like the juice dripping from the mango fruit
you know my touch is the purest sucrose
so… if you’re ready for that sweetness to take you straight to heaven
then you can reach me at c12 h22 o11
and we’ll get our lab on,
i’m saying we’ll be colliding and collapsing atoms into fractions of passion
i’ m talking about nuclear meltdown, fusion and fission, to the infinite g force, kind of loving
unattainable energy levels breached, let me destablilize your electrons, one at a time, kind of loving
expand your periodic table now because we’re gonna make new elements, kind of loving
so i guess what I’m really trying to say is that
i find you phenotypically fantastic
i promise to love each and everyone of your sibling amino acids
just let me be the catalyst to set off your chain reactions
because baby, after all this chemistry
i’m just trying to make magic.

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